Online learning is the best way to challenge the continuing threat of the coronavirus. With an increasing number of schools shutting down, students can continue to learn and evolve during this global pandemic (which is growing exponentially).
The world woke up to "pneumonia of unknown cause" detected in Wuhan, and it has not been the same ever since. As soon as WHO declared COVID-19 (designated as 2019-nCoV) a pandemic, schools, colleges, and universities began to shutdown. Even countries are on lockdown (Italy), and many states have issued a suspension of or screening for air travel due to this novel virus. In fact, an uneven global response on whether or not school should be closed is also troubling. But, what happens now? One microscopic entity has brought the world to its knees. Although prevention is the only way, it has surely made us question our everyday practices. Not only have people stopped shaking hands, but students have also stopped going to schools and colleges altogether. Life as we know it will never be the same again. So what is the recourse in times like this?
With school closures worldwide, online learning is the need of the hour. The online learning platforms have stepped up to provide education in these times of the coronavirus. Online learning is enabling and empowering kids to stay safe as well as keep up with their studies. In a panic-stricken world, a student’s health is of paramount importance, as well as the ability to equip students with the right information.
As COVID-19 causes more and more school closures, lives are continually being affected. It becomes paramount to think critically and consider essential safety precautions and questions about the pandemic and determine what it tells us about the world today. It's our responsibility to teach students when schools are closed.
Although it may be a world of trending fake news, learning should not suffer. Information is power, and a student with the right information has the power to curb panic and change the world. The coronavirus scare may paralyze the world, but education should not take a backseat. This is because there are so many options available today, ranging from online tutoring to MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses).
Online tutoring platforms are imparting knowledge, and technology is proving to be a boon in a time like this. Students can choose to continue to take classes online and receive help on their homework from a subject expert.
According to UNESCO, 56 countries have closed their schools and this has impacted 516.6 million children and youth! This is a drastic step that has been taken to slow the spread of the disease. No wonder online tutoring can help those who are in need. Furthermore, technological advancements can help ease the anxiety that is evident now. With the option to take an online class at home or at work as per one's own convenience now is surely a time for introspection. For a student, the coronavirus may pique an interest in wildlife conservation or virology, and online learning can help, allowing learning to continue and not come to a halt.
Though the world may be shaken, the only way out of this mayhem is to upgrade knowledge. We have many lessons to learn from this pandemic but what clearly stands out is that learning cannot stop. Awareness is the key, and we cannot let the education of children suffer. Online learning is a powerful recourse and is a beacon of hope as we get into murky waters of "corona scare."
By Rajat Chauhan