GENA (General Education Accreditation) will be of interest to institutions involved in Higher Education, formal education and other educational sectors who value online learning accreditation.

GENA is one of the European distance learning and education accreditation formats available through EDLEA that enables such institutions to gain the certification needed when offering general education through distance learning modes.

The accreditation process incorporates peer-review and self-evaluation components. The first step is to submit an application; when that application has been approved it moves into the Pre-accreditation stage.  In this phase a school or other educational institution needs to demonstrate it meets all of the pre-accreditation requirements. Once this is achieved, it will be recommended for Initial Accreditation.

All institutions gaining EDLEA accreditation will enter into the Continuous Improvement Review process on a regular three year basis.

Use the online application form below to start the distance or e-learning accreditation process.